I’m Alex and work in the Info Sec industry primarily focused on the Defensive aspect of Cyber Security also known as a Blue team, although I have and do work as a Green Team as well. This primary focus is based around detection, response and engineering of tools and processes to help protect organisations from malicious threat actors and active Cyber attacks.
This site was originally started so I could fix a problem I had with easily digesting Security news on a daily basis from multiple sources but has now turned into a brain dumb of what I am allowed to publish online without getting into trouble with my current or previous employers which I hope will give somebody use.
And here is my favourite and definitely most used gif, because it just works…

All thoughts and opinions expressed here are my own, and may not be representative of my employer, or any other entity unless I am specifically quoting someone.
As for the products/tools mentioned, these are from my own experience and none of them are sponsored unless stated.
If you would like to contact me you can directly message me on LinkedIn at this link.