Azure Useful Documents

A collated list of the most useful documented reference material on all things Azure.

Azure Sentinel

☁️ Deploy Sentinel as Code using the Repositories feature in Azure Sentinel.

☁️ Deploying Sentinel as code (the old way :D) &

☁️ Terraform Sentinel as code

☁️ Example Kusto Queries

☁️ KQL quick reference

☁️ KQL string operators

☁️ Azure Sentinel GitHub repository – Contains everything from rules to workbooks to parsers etc.

☁️ Azure Active Directory Signin log error codes explained.

☁️ Azure Sentinel ATT&CK

☁️ Parsing Azure Firewalls logs in Sentinel

☁️ Azure Sentinel Entity Types

☁️ KQL – How to parse text

☁️ Azure Security logging and auditing

☁️ Microsoft Sentinel Training Lab

Azure Permissions

☁️ Azure Active Directory RBAC Roles


☁️ Securing your Identity Infrastructure

☁️ Azure Diagnostic Logging